Our company, as a contemporary and responsible business system advocates environment protection, carrying out activities that contribute to environment protection, for the welfare of all future generations, the welfare of our children and all members of our community. Accordingly, we present to you the ways of implementing those principles within our business dealings.
It is well known that a ton of recycled paper saves on average around 17 tree trunks from being cut, so with recycling around 30 tons of written off documentation, we saved around 500 tree trunks. It can be concluded that on annual level, we save a whole park.
Principles of sustainable development that all leading international companies care about are incorporated in our everyday working processes, thus securing conditions for rational and sustainable waste management. Protection and improvement of environment, and protection of the health of our employees, is the principle that we build in all our everyday activities.
Special part of our engagement concerning environmental protection represent recycling of electric and electronic waste. By collecting IT waste and by destroying it, we reduce significant amount of waste in our immediate environment.
In our company, we regularly recycle our outdated IT equipment, large number of monitors, desktop and laptop computers, printers, taking care of avoiding any irregularities in this process.
This is just one of the ways with which our company conributes to protecting and maintaining our environment, reducing raw resources, thus maintaining natural materials that are of limited quantities, saving energy and reducing further downgrading of our environment.