Total branding of the kiosk represent the option in which our retail stores are used as a medium for outdoor advertising and promotion of your brand. Regardless of the fact whether your goods are placed in our kiosks or not, we offer you a range of possibilities and positionong for highlighting your advertising messages within our retail stores in the whole network. With being present in almost all municipalities in Serbia, on the busiest points in towns, every package – monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual – offers optimum for expanding influence of your advertising campaigns.
City lights on our new type of kiosk allows highligting your advertising campaign on a big surface. This aspect of advertising in our kiosks is an excellent way of attracting attention of our customers and passers-by within your outdoor campaign, thus contributing to the recognizability of your brand.
A3 advertisement represents an exclusive model of advertising, designed for clients that want their brand to be visible by the customers immediately prior to approaching newsstand. This aspect of advertising allows additional attracting of your target groups through earmarked displays that are placed on the one of the most visible spots on our kiosks.
Panel advertising is an exclusive advertising model for all those who want the customer to get information about their brand or advertising campaign upon approaching the kiosk. Such aspect of earmarked campaign allows additional attracting of target group through details that are placed on one of the most visible spots on the kiosk.
Advertising by using neon signs represents an option in which you can place commercial display on our kiosk, with earmarked defined surfaces. If you had, as a part of outdoor activities, produced displays for outdoor use, you can place them on our kiosks with the aim of permanently advertising via neon sings.
Displays can be of diverse types and forms. We provide its implementation and infrastructure, while you provide displays, and jointly we are devoted to the same aim, to achieving excellent results of our advertising campaigns.
Posters represent one of the ways of renting advertising space, with the aim of addressing the end customer and potential user of your services via well created design and placing advertising message on a visible position on our kiosk.
Advertising on wobblers represents an aspect of advertising and informing on an excellent position, within customers’ sight. This is the easiest way to direct attention of a customer to certain product, service or action, in the process of buying.